Like i said, even if i were to explain it by the book, you would'nt even begin to understand, Harley Davidson, i love the reliability of their motor, my love for their legacy, legends and traditions are beyond compare to any other motorcycle made industries or companies, " Yes!" i say, when they asked me, do you even like Harleys?, i'm riding one arent i? i said, " but to their baffled looking face they kept asking me questions like, but why are there not any "Harley Davidson" or "HD's" logo on you bike? is it a real harley?, showing more confidence in their question as to annoy me more on their stereotyping of how a harley "Should" look like, fat gas tank with speedometers, long skirts fenders, huge leather bags on both sides of the rear, big ears engine guards( my perfect vision for a sweet restored Knucklehead actually hehehehe) and so i pointed to my CV Carburator top cover thats got a "Harley Davidson" engraved on it and walked away, so here's a short point, i dont mind a small bagger for my old days, cos i would wanna ride till i cant, even now my back is giving way, "BUT", even though if it seems like the chopper scene sucks now, it's still not dead, and as far as i'm concern, vintage Harley rules, but dont let this put any of you injector twincam riders down, for the sake of it all, as long as you ride em like you stole em, that's the whole point, just dont get too dumbfound and fall for the dealerships sweet offerings, go loyal on the service parts but dont market yourself and get others to fall into a market that doesnt really pay off, yes i do ride a stock harley, my motor's stock and my frame's stock, those are reliable and it doesnt kill me, why i changed everything else?.....b'cos there is no others like me....
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