Monday, November 29, 2010


...ollies his 21x21.
picture taken from his Facebook.

Some Sundays...

....they give me more reason to stay alive.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010

BMX Daze Days..

Bell Moto 3 BMX

Vans BMX

Loving those years growing up in my "semi ghetto" hometown, every aspect of rebelious ways, not gettin that full attention from the "Rents", Trouble came almost second nature to us like bestfriends(almost!)
So, our mode of transportation from town to town, along the beaches, across the perfect groomed Golf Clubs fairways( always gets us in trouble with the Security with their lame golf carts chasing after us) was, our lightened off of our kickstands, reflectors, seat pads and chopped unwanted mounts and sometimes some would con our way into swapping spokes steel wheels with maybe some chick friends riding with plastic spoke ones!
BMX, we could'nt go by in a day without them, i remember one time flying off to Singapore and went into my first Toys'R'Us , and begging my dad to get me one of those Moto3 BMX helmets(which he never did) well i got one now dad!, although a different genre in two wheel terrorizing!, but it was all too sweet memories with friends that i grew up with and the influence of movies like BMX Bandits, E.T. and i wanna re- LIVE that! for health and you damn right it's for my sense of fun!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010

Fast pace...

....Sunday, blessed with dry asphalt.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Bent left side of bar...

Chipped goldleaf paint, open belt covers....

Bent foot clutch.....

...i guess my start of November sucked, the tropical rain curse caused yet another stir of havoc in my house of panic stricken help, with flash flood phobia and the hoopla's of it all....just found out today somebody dropped my bike while moving it up to the front porch as the water starts to level up(since i was out for a movie), saved my bike from the water they did, but lost it on their own careless being while doing it!,(all three of them vs my skinny Belle) ....guess it's time to strip her and have strong paracetamol for the rest of the coming end year...( i don't know what damn bars should i use now...i feel sick)